Overall management for the alpine PV system NalpSolar

In Tujetsch in Graubünden, Axpo is planning a ground-mounted photovoltaics plant above the Lai da Nalps, which will one day supply 3,000 households with renewable energy. As overall management, we evaluated the site for the alpine photovoltaics plant, demonstrated its feasibility and wrote the environmental report. Project planning is currently underway.

Axpo approached us with the specific site idea. The feasibility study and yield simulations carried out by our environmental compatibility and photovoltaics experts confirmed that the alpine location was suitable for a ground-mounted plant. The landscape is already occupied by a dam, there is an access road and a grid connection point in Sedrun. When designing the project perimeter, we took into account environmentally relevant factors such as a fen, existing uses by the alpine corporation and the military as well as natural hazards.

As the perimeter has strong topographical differences and is limited in terms of area, we divided it into clusters. We optimized each cluster in terms of the orientation of the rack systems, the angle of inclination of the modules and the row spacing, among other things. the ground-mounted system should one day produce 11 GWh of electricity per year. As part of the geological clarifications, excavator slits were used to check how deep the moraine layer is so that we can design the anchorage accordingly.

As overall manager, we are also planning the construction logistics for Axpo - a challenging task, as construction can only take place for a few months in summer due to the altitude and in consideration of the alpine flora and fauna.

Our services

  • Overall management
  • Site evaluation
  • Feasibility study
  • Environmental impact report
  • Project planning




Energy industry

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