Consistently model-based: Repair of the Fridolin Bridge

Basler & Hofmann was responsible for the repair of the 244-metre-long Fridolins Bridge from the construction project through to commissioning. The project included the repair and strengthening of the bridge from the 1970s. The reinforced bridge meets current earthquake standards and can withstand a ship impact.
On the basis of detailed investigations, Basler & Hofmann was able to reduce the originally planned earthquake reinforcement measures and reduce the size of the roadway crossings. Bracket heads and railings, waterproofing and surfacing as well as the bridge lighting were replaced and the adjacent spindle ramps and underpasses were renovated. As part of the project, it was decided that the bridge should also be used for cross-border bicycle traffic. To this end, the footpath was widened and converted into a combined footpath and cycle lane.
The team broke new ground with the consistently model-based procurement and execution of a maintenance project in infrastructure construction. An as-built model of the bridge was created as the basis for the project planning. This was then supplemented with symbolically illustrated damage and partly symbolically and partly concretely illustrated measures. The detailed descriptions of the measures were supplied in directly linked element descriptions. Both pricing and invoicing by the contractor were largely element-based. Valuable experience was gained from this approach, which can be put to good use in future projects.
Our services
- Construction project (SIA32)
- Submission project and procurement (SIA41)
- Implementation planning
- Construction management, completion (51, 52, 53)
- Model-based project processing