Chroobach wind farm: Technical planning and EIA

The Chroobach area is characterized by good wind conditions and its location outside of protected areas. One particular challenge for the project, however, is that the four planned wind turbines are located in the forest - a first for a wind energy project in Switzerland. Due to the location in the forest area, high official requirements must be met. Our experienced wind energy team carried out extensive option studies on the turbine layout and site development to ensure that the clearing could be minimized and compensated for with contingency measures or compensating measures. The project was subjected to an environmental impact assessment. By clarifying issues such as landscape protection, noise protection, shadow impact and the aforementioned clearances, our interdisciplinary team of environmental specialists and wind energy experts was able to prove that the project is environmentally compatible.
Our services
- Feasibility study, transportation study
- Technical planning and report: roads and highways, site development, installation, disposal, icing analysis
- Preliminary and main environmental impact study and environmental impact report (UVB) as well as planning of measures: noise and shadow impact report, landscape study, conflict potential analysis Unesco Reichenau Monastery Island, visibility analysis, clearing dossier, mapping of crop rotation areas
- Profitability and cost calculations
- Advising project management on land contracts, support group process and information events
Involved expertise
Wind energy, Soil protection, Due diligence, Geoinformatics GIS, Furniture and site development, Road construction, Environmental compatibilityClient
Chroobach wind energy project consortium: Elektrizitätswerke des Kantons Schaffhausen EKS and SH POWERIndustry
Energy industry, Confederation / Cantons