Peter Schwer

Rural Engineer ETH
Senior Expert in renewable energies

After completing his studies in rural engineering at ETH Zurich, Peter Schwer obtained his postgraduate qualification in environmental and water management in Granada, Spain. Following two years of project work as a scientific assistant at the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), Peter Schwer discovered renewable energies as his field. He worked for an engineering firm as a project manager for wind power, supervising various sites in Switzerland and Spain. After three years, he was able to take over the management of all foreign projects for a German wind-power planning company, with projects in France, Spain, Portugal and Great Britain. In 2005, he founded New Energy Scout GmbH, a consultancy specialising in wind, solar and biogas. He managed the company until its merger with Basler & Hofmann in autumn 2020. In 2019, Peter Schwer rounded off his many years’ experience in the planning and management of renewable-energy projects with a certificate of advanced studies (CAS) in Renewable Energy Management at the University of St. Gallen. Alongside his work, he is also active on the board of the wind-energy association Suisse Eole.

What fascinates you about your work?

The ceaseless evolution of the technology in the renewable-energy sector. The optimisation of existing technologies and the development of new solutions means that we are always seeing new, pioneering possibilities.

When do you particularly enjoy a project?

I enjoy working on projects involving several disciplines and where the task is to solve challenges that are out of the ordinary.

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