Optimizing acoustics in the planning stage: The new acoustics studio from Basler & Hofmann

When a building is planned today, the focus is on the visual. The acoustics are often forgotten. As a result, clients and architects are confronted with dissatisfied users and can only improve the acoustics with expensive retrofitting. What if you could experience what a room will sound like as early as the planning stage? This is possible at any time in Basler & Hofmann's new acoustics studio.
The acoustics play a key role in determining whether we feel comfortable in a building and whether it can fulfill its function. When planning a building, there are now various tools available to assess the visual impression, such as digital 3D models. But how do you check how a room will sound?
Auralizations make planned rooms audible
In Basler & Hofmann's new acoustics studio in Esslingen near Zurich, clients and architects have the opportunity to check how a room will sound at an early planning stage. In the acoustically optimized room with state-of-the-art audio technology, high-quality audio files are played, which were previously created with a simulation program, so-called auralizations. Ten three-dimensionally arranged studio loudspeakers convey an extremely realistic, spatial sound impression. If desired, visitors can also walk through the room they are listening to using virtual reality (VR).
Optimizing acoustics together
The acoustics have a significant influence on the quality of the architecture and vice versa. With the Studio, Basler & Hofmann invites clients and architects to discover acoustics as a design element. In the studio, for example, the influence of different ceiling materials or furnishings on acoustics can be listened to and evaluated in a joint discussion. Whether it's an open-plan office, meeting room or classroom, a visit to the studio can ensure early on in the planning process that a room will function acoustically.
From acoustics and noise protection to sound room design
In addition to acoustics, the building acoustics of a planned building can also be checked. Another application is noise protection: how will a noise barrier affect well-being in a residential area along a main road? The studio can also benefit people who are involved in the acoustic design of public spaces such as squares or parks.
Read our themed letter "Insights" on the topic of acoustics:
Listening to architecture: a guest in the acoustics studio (PDF, in german)