Wind potential study and adaptation of the structure plan for the canton of Zurich

The revised national Energy Act requires the cantons to designate suitable areas for wind energy in their regional spatial strategies. Basler & Hofmann developed the scientific basis for the canton of Zurich and carried out a wind potential study to identify areas suitable for wind energy.

The wind resources were calculated using a three-dimensional flow simulation. Thanks to our many years of experience in wind measurement technology, we were able to draw on our own wind measurement data, which significantly increased the informative value of the modeling compared to the Swiss wind atlas. In a first step, we used negative planning to identify the areas on which no wind turbines may be built due to legal restrictions. An additional result of this initial analysis was an overview of the areas in which a weighing of interests in accordance with the guidelines is to be carried out on the basis of reservation criteria. In a second step, we used positive planning to identify potential wind suitability areas. We took into account the topography, technical feasibility and the minimum wind speed required for a turbine to be operated economically. In workshops, the results and identified wind suitability areas were presented to nature and landscape conservation associations, the industry association Suisse Eole, local electricity suppliers and representatives of the regions and municipalities, discussed with them and integrated into the structure plan process.

Our services

  • Wind potential study: calculation of wind resources, exclusion area analysis (negative planning)
  • Designation of wind suitability areas (positive planning): Identification of wind suitability areas, site analyses, site evaluation, site proposals for inclusion in the cantonal spatial strategies
  • Advisory mandate as part of the wind dialog

Involved expertise

Wind energy


Canton of Zurich, Office for Waste, Water, Energy and Office for Spatial Development


Energy industry, Confederation / cantons
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