18. January 2022 – News

Monitoring wastewater discharge points: New digital data acquisition tool for water body inspections

Basler & Hofmann has developed a mobile recording tool for inspecting wastewater discharge points and used it in two pilot projects. The application supports the maintenance staff of municipal sewer systems and wastewater treatment plants in implementing the new guidelines for water inspections. The results of the field tests are promising: the tool increases the efficiency of inspections and the quality of the data.

Switzerland is known for the high water quality of its rivers and lakes. To ensure that this remains the case, it is important that those responsible for urban drainage regularly monitor the impact of wastewater discharges on our water bodies. The Swiss Water Association (VSA) has drawn up guidelines for inspections in Module G "Water body inspections" of the "Wastewater management in rainy weather" guideline. A large amount of data and image material is generated during field investigations. "In order to increase the efficiency and quality of the inspection, we have developed a simple but effective mobile application together with our Geoinformatics experts," explains Isabelle Rytz, Head of Water at Basler & Hofmann.

Guideline: Urban water management in rainy weather - Complete module
Mobile data collection and logging at the touch of a button

The tool allows inspection personnel out in the field to record the necessary parameters for the discharge points for the periodic functional checks or for processing the general drainage plan (GEP). An input screen is used to query all data in accordance with Module G and store it in a central database. Photos and comments can also be entered. The basis is a map with important basic data and the position of the discharge points and measuring points. Back in the office, an inspection report including photo documentation and an overview table of all previous inspections can be created for each location at the click of a mouse. The application is based on the open source software QGIS and is available in the field thanks to the mobile solution QField for Android devices.

Successful deployment in two municipalities

The Basler & Hofmann project team tested the suitability of the tool in the field together with two customers. For the Höfe wastewater association of the municipalities of Freienbach, Wollerau and Feusisberg, 22 discharge points were inspected three times over the course of a year using the application for the development of the drainage plan (VGEP). "The functional checks have contributed to a better understanding of the special structures in the association. The application is very much appreciated by the operating staff," says Isabelle Rytz. The second pilot application took place as part of the GEP update for the Zurich municipality of Zollikon. A total of 38 discharges into watercourses were examined using the application in accordance with investigation level 1 of module G. "Processing the data in the office has become much easier. The field protocols are created very quickly and there are no errors when assigning the photos," says Isabelle Rytz.

Interested municipalities wanted for further development

Following the success of the first two applications of the mobile recording tool, the Basler & Hofmann project team wants to drive forward the development of the application together with other municipalities. The aim is for the inspection staff to also be able to use the tool for the detailed clarifications that arise in investigation stage 2 of module G. Further development towards a cloud-based solution and data exchange with existing pipeline information systems via an interface is also being considered. Interested municipalities or plant operators can get in touch with one of the contact persons (see next section).

Your contacts

Isabelle Rytz Pfund, Head of Water Basler & Hofmann: Contact

Nicolas Schmidt, Head of Geoinformatics Basler & Hofmann: Contact

Further information

VSA guideline on wastewater management in rainy weather

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