BIM pilot project Seestrasse Meilen

The Civil Engineering Office of the Canton of Zurich is pursuing the goal of increasing the efficiency and reliability of construction processes through the use of digital technologies. Basler & Hofmann was commissioned with the overall planning of the first BIM pilot project: the repair of a 450 m long cantonal road in Meilen.

Seestrasse in Meilen is part of the main traffic axis between Zollikon and Rapperswil and a 450-metre section was in need of major renovation. The track had to be repaired, service pipes and road drainage renewed, the lighting adapted and a new traffic lights system built. The new construction of a stream culvert and the partial revitalization of the stream were also part of the project. In addition to the canton, the municipality of Meilen and the owners of the works were also involved.

The project was set up by the canton as a BIM pilot project and was intended to provide fundamental insights into the potential of the BIM method and suitable future applications. Basler & Hofmann accompanied the client through the entire BIM process - from the basic documents "Information requirements of the client" IAG and "BIM execution plan" BAP, which were continuously updated, through the as-planned model AP to the model-based invitation to tender on the company's own platform "QV8" and the final as-built model AB, which meets the canton's requirements for management.

Our services

  • Advice and support for the client regarding the introduction of the BIM methodology
  • Development of IAG / EIR (client information requirements) including phase-related updating
  • Involvement of all other project participants by means of workshops and individual training sessions
  • Overall management, coordination of all project participants and regulation of interfaces
  • All service phases from preliminary to construction documents incl. site supervision and preparation of as-built model (AB)
  • Procurement of service pipes and preparation for BIM model
  • Preparation of BIM2Field and Field2BIM specifications
  • Processing of BIM execution plan (BAP) including phase-related tracking
  • Surveying as a basis for as-built model (specialist models and coordination model)
  • Development of as-planned model (AP) and execution model (AM) as well as deconstruction model (specialist models and coordination model).


Civil Engineering Office of the Canton of Zurich


Confederation / cantons

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