Christian Wüthrich

Geographer, MA Risk Management
Head of Hydraulic Engineering Lucerne

Christian Wüthrich has been fascinated by water and its various physical states since childhood. For that reason, it was no surprise when he chose to study Geography at the University of Bern (UNIBE) with a focus on hydrology and climatology. After completing his studies, he worked at MeteoSchweiz – the Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology – where he focussed his efforts on snow climatology. He then moved from the federal to the cantonal level, working for eight years to protect the surface water and the climate in the canton of Uri as a project manager in the water pollution control department. During this time he also completed a MA in Risk Management at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU). In the beginning of 2019, Christian Wüthrich joined Basler & Hofmann, where he enthusiastically puts his extensive specialist knowledge and experience to good use as Head of Hydraulic Engineering.

When do you particularly enjoy a project?

When the circumstances surrounding a project make it difficult, but we are still able to carry out the project step by step, eventually arriving at a breakthrough thanks to a certain amount of tenacity – these types of challenges are what really motivate me.

What other profession could you imagine and why?

I would love to be able to sail around the world as the captain of a ship. It must be an incredible feeling to spend your days on the water.

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