Adrian Wildhaber

BSc FHO Energy and Environmental Engineering
Project Manager

Adrian Wildhaber studied Energy and Environmental Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil (HSR) directly after completing his apprenticeship as a designer in injection mould construction. After graduating with a bachelor’s degree, he started working for Basler & Hofmann in 2014 as a project employee in the environment and transport department. Adrian Wildhaber has a profound interest in fluid mechanics solutions. From 2016 to 2017, he completed a Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) at the HSR. In addition to CFD simulations, Adrian Wildhaber’s areas of expertise include explosion protection, 3D CAD planning, fire-water retention and solutions for the storage of hazardous substances.

What makes working at Basler & Hofmann special?

The opportunity to work on challenging and interesting projects in a wide range of fields. I particularly appreciate the opportunity to work on projects together with other departments. The working atmosphere is also very pleasant.

When do you particularly enjoy a project?

I particularly enjoy innovative projects, i.e. projects that involve trying out and developing something new. It’s exciting and allows us to expand our knowledge.

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