Preliminary studies for upgrading the Aeschenplatz traffic junction in Basel

With this study, the Government Council is responding to the request of the Grand Council to carry out an overall assessment of the complex site. The study serves as the basis for project planning, which is to be initiated following approval by the Grand Council. The central measure envisaged in the study is a large traffic circle connecting all the main traffic axes. In addition, the streetcar stops are to be merged. All users of the square would benefit from the new design: Public transport would benefit from attractive stations and reliable travel times, conflict points between cars and public transport would be eliminated and cyclists would be able to ride directly onto the square on all axes. Finally, an area will be left on the square for more quality of stay - a tree canopy or a representative fountain are conceivable, for example.
Our services
- Study of variants
- Transportation concept for all modes of transport
- Examination of geometric feasibility including streetcar track geometry
- Rearrangement of disabled access stops for buses
- Simplification of the traffic junction and MIV network
- Transportation engineering, VISSIM simulation and coordination of traffic and urban space
- Cost estimate, phasing and support during the decision-making process