Overall performance competition triple gymnasium Engerfeld

The town of Rheinfelden expanded the Engerfeld school complex with a new triple gymnasium to meet the increasing demand for gymnastics and sports space. We carried out an overall performance competition for the town using a selective procedure.
Quelle: Stoos Architekten AG

Based on the previous school space planning, the town of Rheinfelden decided to expand the Engerfeld school complex. In addition to additional classrooms, a new triple gymnasium was built to meet current and future needs. We were commissioned to carry out an overall performance competition in a selective procedure. The implementation of the new hall took place during ongoing school operations, with a temporary building to bridge the gap in the short term. The competition resulted in an optimal project with a binding cost offer, which could be realized quickly and without further public procurement.

Our services

  • Clarification of requirements, project definition
  • Analysis of the structural and legal framework conditions
  • Feasibility study to evaluate the location
  • Project manual and specifications, coordination of use and operation
  • Advice on the selection process
  • Preparation and implementation of a single-stage overall performance competition in a selective procedure
  • Moderation of jury meetings
  • Draft contract for work Total contractor
  • Contract management


City of Rheinfelden


Education, Cities / municipalities

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