Patrick Egger

HVAC Engineer
Head of Thermal Networks and Control Units

Patrick Egger is a proven expert in building services. His apprenticeship as a refrigeration draftsman was followed by positions as project manager and senior project manager at various building services and engineering companies. At the same time, he continued to improve his professional skills: He holds a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Risk and Safety from the ETH Zurich and a Diploma of Advanced Studies in Construction Economics from the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. He is also a certified expert for cantonal energy certificates for buildings (GEAK). From 2009 to 2013, he passed on his extensive knowledge of refrigeration and heat-pump technology to the next generation of professionals as a part-time lecturer at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. In 2020, Patrick Egger took up his position as senior expert for Building Services at Basler & Hofmann. In 2021, he became team leader at the Lucerne site. Since the beginning of 2022, he leads the department of thermal networks and control units. His specialist areas include refrigeration and heat-pump technology, building services renovations and local heating networks and area supply.

What makes working at Basler & Hofmann special?

The diversity of disciplines within the company. The interdisciplinary competence is unbeatable.

When do you particularly enjoy a project?

I particularly enjoy the early project phases, in other words, feasibility studies and concept development. It’s during this time that an initial idea develops into an initial plan. These initial steps always fascinate me.

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